We often get so lost in our work with working hours flying by and before we know it, it’s the end of the day and we’ve not even thought about what to post in our group yet, never mind actually constructing and posting!

For that reason, I’m here to give you a helping hand!

I have my own coaching Facebook group and find setting aside a couple of hours a week for content planning (including images) really helps with productivity and ideas. Once I have my creative hat on, I find that the creativity flows and I’ve created a couple of weeks worth of content in no time & usually the target is just one week – so you’ll be surprised at how much content you can get out when you’re ‘in the zone’

You may find it helpful to set Themes within your posts or to have specific days for specific posts ie. Motivational Monday, Selfie Saturday etc – that way at least you have the ideas there already, it’s just a case of creating images and posting or scheduling (which ever is your preference) and you’re staying visible to your audience whilst also giving value.

I sometimes find a GIF that relates to what I want to talk about if I don’t have time to create an image as well – usually when it’s something I’ve just thought about posting that isn’t on my schedule.

I also believe a little light-heartedness can go a long way to keep the fun in the group. It doesn’t need to be all seriousness!

1. Welcome Video

Create a Welcome video or post to pin to the top of your group for new members to see when they join. Make them feel welcome and know that they are free to participate/ create their own posts and get involved (if tis is what your group is offering)

2.Getting Personal:

Yes, you have a group to showcase your expertise and to help your community by giving real value. And we also want them to get to know us as people, because that like, know & trust factor does really exist and when it comes to selling your products or services this is where it really counts. People buy from People is a fact and not just a cliché!

Tell them about your hobbies & Interests
Share behind the scenes photos
Celebrate your milestones with them and ask them about theirs
Share your past or current experiences and struggles that will help them with theirs

3. What problems do you solve and what’s your solution?

Why are these members in your group? What is the purpose of your group? How are you going to help them?

4.Your why

Share your personal Why with the community and it could spark some thoughts within them too about their own Why journey.

5. Motivational quotes

Collate your favourite quotes and make them into pretty images for your group and put some of your own quotes and mantra’s in their too for inspiration!

6. Polls

Create Polls for your group, asking what they would like to see in the group. What troubles are they facing right now that they need help with?

7. Q & A session

Get engagement from your group by hosting a Q & A session for them once a fortnight or once a month – which ever suits your group style. You can start a questions thread ahead of the Q & A session so you can prepare and give real value.

8. Videos of What your audience wants

Off the back of the Polls and Q& A sessions you can record some How To’s or techniques that will help them and you can also repurpose some of these things in your blogs and emails.

9. Guest interviews

Who could you collaborate with to bring more knowledge into the group that fits in with your group. Who or What would compliment the value and expertise that you’re already providing? It could be a number of people, eg, Social Media Expert, Productivity expert, Time Management strategies. Whatever fits in with your group model.

10. Group Values - what are the values & mission of the group?

Make these clear to the group and pin them to the top of your page for all to see.

I hope you found this Blog post useful and can take some ideas to implement in your own group when you’re stumped for a post.

Posts don’t need to take hours and hours – once you get going there’ll be no stopping you!

If you require any further Social media help, I do offer Social Media Packages – find out more HERE


Thanks for Reading!

L x