LM Virtual Assistant - one year on!


virtual assistant in UK

 And what a year it has been!

October 2019 to February 2020 was pretty much getting to grips with business, learning to run my business - because although I was equipped with 19 years of administration skills & hours and hours of researching - I had absolutely no experience in running my own business!

Overwhelmed with the advice, info, get rich quick schemes - I was pretty much doing everything and anything I could and getting no where fast!!

I picked up a few clients here and there which was great, but I needed a focus, I needed to figure out my direction! I had absolutely no idea who my ICA was and I was fed up of trying to ‘make one up’

In February, a good LinkedIn connection of mine contacted me for a chat... She knew I needed some help and some time to work on me - it hadn’t been long since My granddaughter had passed away and although she had been the reason for taking the plunge, I still had ‘stuff’ holding me back.

It turned out that we could help each other and we did a skills swap. As I started working for her as a VA, she was coaching me... and as she was coaching me, I was becoming unstuck & feeling much more confident. My anxiety and panic attacks had reduced and I was really getting to grips with my focus.


I had a little work, here and there but nothing substantial.. Then...


I landed my first proper social media client in February and was over the moon to be working with a client, so down to earth and trusted me impeccably with his business, showcasing, promoting and generally keeping his business visible on social media.


Along with this and my coaching, I grew in confidence once more.. and after my coaching had finished (for the time being), my coach became a paying client - by now, we were absolutely aligned and a perfect team!


What happened next.. was an absolute LIFE changer!!


My coach was running an NLP one day diploma (over two afternoons) - I always feel I should mention that bit!! I attended, so that I could understand her business better, which in turn would help me to help her more efficiently and effectively. I care about my clients and I always do what I can to get to know the business and treat it with the same care and respect as I do my own business.. (going off point here...)


Anyway.. this NLP Diploma was a real eye opener! I’d already had a feel for it, being a client and having my own coaching, but being at the heart of it and learning how it worked was AMAZING!! It literally lit me up and I was ready for more!


I joined the NLP practitioner course & I had a lightbulb moment


... the difficult decision of who my ICA was? It was THIS!! NLP coaches & Trainers! I was already working with Debs and now I was an NLP Practitioner! BINGO!


I never believed I would find a niche and that I would be marketing to anyone & everyone - which really means I’m marketing to no one!!


Now I had this Clarity, I set to work finding new clients. I was marketing to NLP coaches /trainers, but that didn’t mean that I would ONLY work with NLP based businesses, it is just my preferred client. As long we’re a good fit for each other and I am able and happy with the work that is being offered, then absolutely, yes I will work with you!


I gained a client in the IT industry, a writer, a playgroup owner, my first social media client asked me to also manage his second business too, a club! More recently I have started to work with another NLP Trainer who is just wonderful to work with- despite her telling me she wasn’t easy to work with!!


I’m almost at capacity and my goal was to be at that point by Christmas this year.. so I am well on track! ***NEWS FLASH*** – At the time of writing this I have gained ANOTHER client, which doesn’t take me to absolute capacity, but I am most definitely on my way there!


It’s been a rocky road throughout lockdown…


With the uncertainties in the hospitality industry,  which had meant one of my clients has been on and off for a few months. But that very same client has trusted my ideas and gone with them.. which has contributed to my self belief. I suggested he ran a Bottomless Brunch promotion at his Bar, Set up a V.I.P Mailing list, moved his events ticket sales to digital selling and introduced a Cocktail Masterclass at his club- All of which, he was on board with immediately and that gave me so much more passion!


Besides client work..


 I’ve also been asked to take part in a campaign and a Live Q & A as part of an initiative to encourage other women to take the plunge and start their own business. Incidentally, if you are at this stage and would like some encouragement or accountability, please don’t hesitate to get in touch louise@lmvirtualassistant.co.uk


I’ve joined an amazing membership, which is full of support and has given me the push that I needed, along with the accountability and the cheer leading!


Brushing up my skills and up skilling with courses has been great. Learning for me is an ongoing progression and  I also start Master Practitioner training in February next year, along with Time Line Therapy & Hypnosis which I am so looking forward to!


I’m curious to see what the next twelve months will bring….


Thank you for your support – I appreciate you!